2019 Power Series Anniversary Edition – To Live is Christ

INTRODUCTION “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain” – Philippians 1: 21 In this 8th Edition of our Power series, which we dedicate to the […]

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Article: Keeping it Up

Over two years ago, I really got to like the Uber Taxi service as I started using them mainly to attend client and partner meetings for my former company. The […]

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Article: It Takes Resilience

Each time I return to Lagos after being away for at least a week or two, I wonder how people are able to cope in a city of over twenty […]

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Article: A Defining Choice

The choice of a spouse is unarguably one of the most important decisions we will ever get to make. A great sister and friend who has known me for many […]

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Article: The Blessing of Family

It is genuinely great to be back home after a long time spent with my Ghanaian family and friends. Very excited to return home to a loving family. My first […]

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Article: Mind Shift

I had a great conversation with a friend who came to church for the second time yesterday after his first attendance last Sunday. In his response to the message on […]

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Article: 2019 IN THE HORIZON!

Returning yesterday from the just concluded Ghana leadership retreat, it is clear that there is a direction for 2019! It is so apt to use the last quarter of each […]

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Article: Encouragement

Yesterday was indeed a day of encouragement at the Ghana leadership retreat. We had a special team of song leaders lead us through older songs from the early days – […]

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Article: A Heart Check

Article: A Heart Check What a full day it was for me yesterday.  Even today’s journal is coming in rather late and tells the story. After a prayer time in […]

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Warri: Songs of Praise Service in Warri

Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song. Psalm 95:1-2 (NIV) It was an incredible […]

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