Lagos Church Celebrates International Women’s Day – Together We Thrive

From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. – Ephesians‬ ‭4:16‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Women in the Lagos church joined the rest of the women all over the world on 8th March 2024 in celebrating this year’s International Women’s Day under the theme Together We Thrive – Ephesians 4:16.

Read below to follow how women in the different Regions in Lagos celebrated the IWD 2024 campaign:


The sisters in the Islands Region (East Coast) spent time playing, singing, and listening to the beautiful children in the Olive Bloom Orphanage, Badore. It was indeed an encouraging time for both adults and the children.

IWD support by representatives of the Islands Region West Sector women at the Lion’s Orphanage home. It was an exciting time and all glory goes to God Almighty. Thanks to everyone especially the representatives.

The women in the Islands Region (East sector ) had a wonderful service yesterday as they rounded up the 2024 IWD and celebrated Mother’s Day. They praised God, danced, and ate together as they fellowshipped to the glory of His Holy Name. Their love was beyond expression. All glory to God because the women thrived together to make the weekend a successful one.


Ikeja-Ketu-Maryland Region celebrated their women in a grand style, which started with fasting and prayers. Saturday was electric as they had a message on Love Yourself by Ese Olutunbi and a health talk on Menopause, Fibroids, Cancer, Infertility, Mental health, Hypertension, Peer pressures, Causes of Pregnancy loss, etc., a class taught by Dr Bola Oguntuga.

Sunday was exciting as the service was geared towards providing food for widows and the vulnerable in the region. After the empowering service, Women in the region had a fantastic, exhausting, glorifying dance to God’s glory. We give God all the glory for this.


The sisters of the Shomolu Mushin Region had a 3 Day event for the IWD 2024 celebrations. Day One was specially dedicated to fasting and prayers where we had hourly prayers on our Zoom platform. Day Two featured Self-care, Health Talk, and Bible Readings. We had Manicures and Pedicures, facial treatment, and a special get-together to fellowship and bond together.

On Sunday 10th of March, we had a Thanksgiving service and raised funds to support the Sisters Project in the region that will help women studying the Bible in our neighborhood and to God Almighty be the glory.


The women in the Surulere region also had a fasting and prayer time on Fri 8th March and visited an Orphanage to spread love as Jesus did. They also had a colorful all-white & purple sister’s Thanksgiving/Mother’s Day celebration on Sunday 10th March and to the glory of God our Thanksgiving service was a success. May our joy know no bounds as we continue to give love and support to our generation as mothers.


It was a beautiful and fantastic IWD celebration by the women in the Oshodi-Isolo Region


For women in the Abule Egba Ota Region, the IWD 2024 celebrations featured a Ten Day fully packed events of Praise and prayer nights, benevolence outreach, in-reach of sisters giving out gifts to each other, evangelism, sister’s hangout, a wonderful Women’s Day celebration, and a special Thanksgiving to crown it all up.

They were grateful to God for the number of visitors who attended and many more studying the Bible. Our prayers are that as they grow in the love of God and as they connect, they all will thrive in Christ. And many souls will be added to God’s Kingdom prayerfully.


Women in the Egbeda region also celebrated the IWD 2024 with prayers and fasting, health talk, and a special Thanksgiving to celebrate God’s blessings and help them to Thrive Together.


Women in the Ojo-Apapa region were not left out of the celebrations! They organized a virtual Health talk in the West Bloc of Lagos on Mental and Emotional Health and also had a class on Growing in Confidence – Ephesians 3:12. They rounded up with thanksgiving to God for the success He blessed them with.


The women in the Ojodu Isheri Mowe region visited an orphanage and a health center. They took time to clean the environment and encouraged the less privileged. while the Ikorodu Region sister brought about 40 visitors to their Sunday Thanksgiving Service!

It was a memorable International Women’s Day 2024 in the Lagos church and we give God the glory. We also pray that through all these activities and sacrifices, many women will come to know the goodness and grace of God Almighty.


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