The women of ICOC Lagos celebrated International Women’s Day 2022 in truly memorable and historic fashion.

The activities began in sobriety, as early as March 4th, as the sisters underwent a day of fasting and prayers. They were able to commit all the upcoming IWD activities into God’s hands and also petitioned God with numerous other prayers and requests.

On March 5th the women displayed kindness and generosity in a massive city-wide outreach. 14 Orphanage Homes / Homes for the less privileged / 3 Hospitals were visited. One region varied the activities by organizing outreach to widows.

In all the instances, the women donated large amounts of food, provisions, cleaning items, and various sundry items. They also donated cash and paid hospital fees for some persons in need. They brought smiles and laughter everywhere they went and spread cheer with their songs and games with young inmates and patients. They did not leave without praying for those they visited.

The global International Women’s Day came up on March 8th. The sisters in Lagos were all excited and enthused as the call for the day was “Let Your Light Shine”. Everywhere they went the sisters were mindful to do good deeds and spread the Word of God too. Several gathered in groups after work to evangelize in various neighborhoods. Many new friends were made and invited to the upcoming ‘KNIT TOGETHER’ webinar/grand finale of the 2022 IWD celebrations.

March 12th marked the highly anticipated West African Women’s webinar hosted by the Lagos women and titled KNIT TOGETHER. The powerful 90-minute session featured life-changing and God-focused talks by three amazing speakers, namely Mrs. Stella Emeka, Ms. Angela Ege, and Miss Adebola Aderibigbe.

They all spoke passionately on the importance of godly parenting, excellence, and godly focus in the workplace and godly impact through our lives and relationships. Over 390 devices were logged on to the event and participants joined in from Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ghana, the Gambia, and Guinea Bissau. It was a glorious end to a very meaningful and impacting celebration.

Our sincere thanks go to ICOC Nigeria Caring Hearts Initiative for their financial backing and strong moral support. We also thank many brothers and sisters who expended their money, time, talents, efforts, and energy in ways too numerous to list here. May God bless and replenish everyone.

Pray for us as we consolidate the lessons and gains of our experiences and outreach. We pray that our friends who we met, and who attended the program, will stick with us, study the Bible, get baptized, and be added to God’s church. Above all – may God’s name continually be praised.

Rolayo Ogbonnaya

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