Emeka Oguagha School of Missions (West Africa) Graduates 15 Students in Lagos

The Onyechi Emeka Oguagha School of Missions (West Africa) which was formally known as West Africa School of Missions graduated its first batch of Students on Sunday 5th January 2020.  The School was established in 2016 through the counterpart funding between BMF and the International Church of Christ, Lagos Nigeria for the manpower development of its Churches.

At the West African Management Summit in Ibadan in 2018, six countries that makeup WAM adopted the School for the purpose of placing their staff for Ministry training.  

The first intake for a three-year course in Christian Ministry completed its course went through 12 courses in Academics and Ministry field works in five Faculties.  Facilitators were drawn in the Church in the Senior Evangelist Cadre in Nigeria and the United States of America.  Out of 25 students admitted, 15 were successful and posted out to ICOC Churches in West Africa Sub-Region as follows: –

  1. Augustine Senoo             –           Accra Ghana
  2. Juliet Senoo                      –           Accra, Ghana
  3. Ifeoma Onyibe                 –           Kaduna, Nigeria
  4. Monday Etim                   –           Yola, Nigeria
  5. Naomi Sessay                  –           Sierra Leone
  6. Olasumbo Dina                –           Port Harcourt
  7. Selina Quaye                    –           Accra, Ghana
  8. Konito Pakabomba         –           Campus, Nigeria
  9. Seyifunmi Pakabomba  –           Campus, Nigeria
  10. Winifred Azua                     –           Islands, Nigeria
  11. Solomon Odejobi   –           Nysc
  12. Dike Chibuike                      –           Port Harcourt
  13. Joyce Eboigbe                     –           Further Studies
  14. Justice Paul               –           Gambia
  15. Bimbo Oyegunle     –           Campus, Nigeria

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