Pomp, Excitement as Ogba-Agege Holds 30th Anniversary Re-connection Service

Even when some weather reports had projected that it will rain heavily and intermittently that week, yet the sun rose that Sunday with uncanny warmth and radiance. This, obviously was the first indicator of a special divine endorsement of the new level of re-connection that was about to unfold. The Re-connection service was organized in celebrations of our 30th Anniversary to reach-out to some of our former brothers and sisters who left the church and created a vacuum in our hearts.  

Traffic into the gate of this special reconnection service was remarkably higher this Sunday. As early as 9am, disciples and their guests were landing in their numbers and were formally ushered into the main auditorium of Agege Women Development Centre, venue of the programme. Within one hour, the 400-seater auditorium was 100 percent full. Those who came a bit late had to make do with the passageway while some fired-up disciples of Jesus gladly gave up their seats to occupy the “standing room” behind. It was indeed a Sunday service like no other.

As gaily dressed Reuben Mbaka, the service coordinator went up the podium to call everyone to worship, I realized that it was a special date not only for the ICOC community but on the global calendar as well .The historic date of Sunday, 30th June, 2019 was the last day of the first half of the year that will equally usher in the second half. What a date to uphold Jesus’ ministry of reconciliation. With continuous hugs and banters with old -time friends, the Choir cheerily dressed and performing harmoniously, love was thick and palpable in the air.

In his talk before the Communion, Dayo Andre spoke on Forgiveness as a key element in our relationship with God.  Reading from Mathew 18: 21-35, Andre stressed that we must forgive to be forgiven and our forgiveness must come deep from our heart. That is the only way we can really experience the love of God, he explained.

During Sermon, the glow of the sun was remarkably on the forehead of the Regional Leader, Wasiu Ajao as he beamed with smiles, walking with guided poise up the podium to deliver the message.  There was no way to read what God was about to say from the construct on the jovial, luxuriant face of the day’s preacher. When he began to preach, he was in his best elements.  In a simple but impactful massage, garnished with personal testimonies and suspense, Ajao spoke on ‘The Amazing Love of God.’

Drawing from the popular John 3:16 he analyzed in details the various components of God’s love. He spoke on the enduring love of God and the fact that God’s love is constant. He subsequently revealed that God’s love is shown in his grace which should compel us to live a life of love with our neighbors.   There was joy and excitement as all attendees applauded intermittently.

At the special Thanksgiving segment anchored by Mr Femi Shofu, it was dancing and singing galore before the final Love feast segment.

After closing prayers, everyone gathered according their zones in pockets of spaces within and outside the auditorium. It was a great time of feasting and merriment.

From the excitement on every face, it was obvious that building sustainable relationships is the craving of both disciples in- house or those in “diaspora”, whether driven by distractions or protest. Indeed a sister, awed like Peter on the mountain of transfiguration exclaimed “thumbs up for those brought this idea and we need to this twice every year “.” Even if only five from this number we were able to gather can be restored “she continued, “there will be even a bigger party in heaven”.

Ntia Usukuma

Ogba- Agege Region


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