Article: The Power of Writing (Part 3) – A Love Affair 

Article: The Power of Writing (Part 3) – A Love Affair 

In a few hours, my wife and I will be leaving for Accra, Ghana to take part and speak at the West African Singles Conference for disciples in English and French-speaking Churches. The theme of the retreat has been consuming my mind: _*SATISFIED; IS GOD ENOUGH?*_

At least 7 disciples (mostly sisters) are joining us from East Africa for this edition.

I look forward to retreating as we dwell on such a noble theme. I also look forward to the travel time when I get to capture my thoughts.

It dawned on me yesterday that writing about our journey with God is actually a love affair. God is so deeply in love with us that He has poured out His heart to us in 66 books of an entire library. People in love often express their love for each other in various forms: in gifts, in song, in love letters and great acts of love.

 God has done all of these and more. The sacrifice of His Son is the ultimate expression and proof of His love for me. The entire Bible is a love letter, and some of the books are full of songs, a demonstration of His passionate love for me and for humanity.

Maybe it is time for us also to reciprocate and one of those ways include writing back to Him in expressions of gratitude and vulnerability.

Heading out of the house in a few minutes and can’t wait to express my heart in some more writing. I have packed a brand new notebook especially for that.

What’s your plan? It must be deliberate.

*1 John 3:1; Psalms 18; Psalm 45:1; Isaiah 49:15-17*

Gilbert Kimeng

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