Forward to Owerri By Faith


Counting down to the church planting and inaugural service in Owerri, capital city of Imo state, southeastern part of Nigeria on July 8th 2018, God’s goodness are already rolling in, with the sending (hosting) church, the ICOC Port Harcourt, witnessing victories and grace during the send forth service held on June 24th,2018.


The charge to be ‘living sacrifices’ was urged by Kemi Olufowobi, the evangelist of the church in Port Harcourt as he encouraged the missionaries that signed up and were sent forth to win souls for God in Owerri. Citing Luke 14:25-26 and Matthew 28:18-20, he highlighted the kind of sacrifices acceptable and pleasing to God, counseling them to focus on Jesus, count the cost before anything, believe in the great commission and build their lives and purposes around it. He further said, “acknowledge your sins and repent, presenting yourselves perfect before your God; love the truth, live by it and teach it.


Segun Edema and Michael Johnny Jack were baptized after the service with one of the newly baptized signing up for the Owerri missions immediately. We truly serve a living God!


Grace was also in abundance as two baby dedications took place too. Mr. and Mrs. Nino Obere brought their daughter Nicole before the presence of God and his people with thankful hearts after five (5) years of marriage, and one miscarriage. Not left out in giving thanks were Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Orumo, as they dedicated their son to God. The Orumo’s had previously lost a child to arson.


Over forty (40) missionaries have signed up to serve, we hope the whole church (global and regional) support this mission with their presence, donations, evangelism, and prayers. Also, kindly join the missions with the following…identify the commitments you need to make ( read Eccl 5:1-7), ask someone to help you make REALISTIC commitments, ask for forgiveness for any half-hearted ‘sacrifices’, identify three areas in which you know your attitude needs to change completely (“renewing of your mind”) and thankfulness for God’s total sacrifice for you.


And this is calling all disciples everywhere to pray for the success of the Owerri church planting!

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