2014 International Campus Leadership Conference NewsLetter

All is set for the hosting of the sixth edition of the annual International Campus Leadership Conference, ICLC.

iclcaGod has been amazing as this promises to be the best ICLC ever! A big thank you goes to the church admin, all parents, students, corporate bodies and great hearted members of the church who have constantly supported us in cash, kind and words of encouragement. God bless you all!

Our program this year as been expanded to include an on-the-site tour of the magnificent Eko Atlantic City project, a chapter by chapter in-depth study of the book of Romans and several team building projects among others. We shall even attempt to reconstruct a 15 feet high Egyptian style Pyramid using bricks! Please visit our Facebook page to download a electronic copy of the program.

In the past one week, three phone calls have come from concerned parents asking of health safety measures we are adapting in keeping with the recent global awareness on the Ebola outbreak in some countries of West Africa. We’ll like to use this newsletter to assure parents, guardians and intending participants that no participant is attending our Conference from Liberia, Serra-Leon, Guinea or any of the counties affected by the Ebola virus.

In keeping with our track record of safety, the following decisions have been taken and measures put in place:

  • No abnormal case of fever will be admitted to the conference.
  • Portable hand sanitizers and hand wash points will be provided throughout the duration of the conference.
  • As in all our conferences, we shall have the services of qualified medical personnel on call 24/7.
  • Delegates will not visit hospitals, crowded markets or any doubtful public place during the conference.
  • All participants will undergo a compulsory pre-conference medical screening exercise before the conference date.

Below is the Pre Conference Medical Screening Procedure

All participant must log on to www.tinyurl.com/specialmedicalhistory and electronically fill out the online questioner. All areas with red asterisk (*) must be filled. False or misleading information will not be tolerated. Click on the send button when you are done to submit. All submitted forms will go to our Doctors for analysis. Deadline is Tuesday August 19th.

Please note that information provided in this screening procedure will be treated with uppermost confidentiality by our team of medical doctors and failure to comply with this directive will automatically disqualify any intending participant from the conference.

This procedure is in keeping with global best practice in the preventive measures against diseases especially Ebola virus.

We look forward to seeing you all and to an enriching conference this year. Remember to pack light and get to our take off point (Eric Moore, Surulere) on or before 7AM on Wednesday August 20th 2014.

Emmanuel Emeh

Evangelist/Campus Minister ICOC Nigeria


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