Article: Encouragement

Yesterday was indeed a day of encouragement at the Ghana leadership retreat. We had a special team of song leaders lead us through older songs from the early days – these brothers and sisters used to lead songs back then. Another flavor of old-time religion.

We then had an exercise that set the tone for the rest of the day. Some brothers and sisters were selected, asked to sit in the middle and the rest of the team took turns to share at least two positives about each one of them.

Indeed, we can always find negative things or weaknesses in each other and use that to criticize or tear each other down. Focusing on and celebrating other’s strengths is a choice, one that builds up. After that exercise, the team was ready to take even some of the challenges that followed during the next sessions.

Encouragement gives wings to the soul to fly. It strengthens the heart to face and overcome weaknesses. It also boosts our self-esteem and instills the much-needed courage to forge ahead.

How can you encourage those around you today? I urge you to choose to encourage rather than to tear down others.

*Ephesians 4:29; Romans. 12:6-8; Hebrew. 3:12-13; 10:24-25;*

Gilbert Kimeng

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