Article: Finding One’s Voice – That Sweet Spot

Article: Finding One’s Voice – That Sweet Spot

It is believed that each one of us was brought into this world with a specific mission to accomplish. Living a fulfilled life is intricately linked with our finding that purpose – some describe it as their sweet spot.

A sweet spot is the most comfortable and easily reached part of a singer’s vocal-range, and the part of their range in which, they sound the best. They are least likely to strain their voices and damage their vocal-chords in the process.


For me, it’s been a 26-year search for my sweet spot, one that has involved a lot of trial and error. A search for the intersection between talent, passion, and the meeting of needs with a combination of the two.


I have served in the kid’s kingdom, led songs, served in the counting team, worked with teenagers, campus students, singles, marrieds, organized conferences, workshops, served as a translator, offered hospitality,  planted a church, led another one, gone on many study/teaching trips, worked on corporate projects, been involved in many social and benevolent ones, etc. In the process, I have discovered which of the roles energize me and almost feel effortless. I would do them without expecting any form of reward– passion. From the feedback I get from those around me, I also get a feel for what I am good at- talent.


Singing, for instance, is clearly not one of them. I am glad my wife excels in that area. But I have the gift of appreciation – I think I have a singing heart.


It appears to me that the older we get as disciples, the more critical it becomes that we find our God-given talents, and strive to use them for His purposes – find our voice. Especially for those us who would soon join in celebrating three decades of mission in churches like Lagos, Abidjan, etc.


So have you found your voice?  When you do, you will feel a deep sense of satisfaction that will motivate you to give more.


I think mine is becoming a lot clearer with the passing of each day, the more I use my gifts for His purposes (Acts 13:36).



Gilbert Kimeng

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