Baptism: Michael Orere’s Redemption Story

Michael Orere studied the Bible at different times, with different people during the course of three years running. Like biblical Jonah, he would run away after each challenge. We continued to reach out to him and he would come back to study once more, only to run away again and completely shut us out of his life.

He stopped picking our calls and will deliberately avoid his own home when we plan to visit him. We persisted in showering him with the love of Jesus Christ as we know it. We stopped talking about studying the Bible with him but kept praying for him and reaching out as we go when we eventually reconnected with him.

He usually come around to our house but when we think he is turning a new leaf, as customary he will disappear! All efforts to track him down especially during the Christmas period proved abortive, we just kept praying for him and many others we have reach out to.

Then few days ago we got a call from Michael! We had gone to bed as it was way past our bed time but in the morning when my husband checked who was calling at such an odd hour, it was Michael. He had called 5 times! We panicked because we thought something could have happened to him. My husband called him; he did not pick. We became agitated and called his elder brother who is a disciple, but he too did not pick. We concluded that something was definitively wrong. Not long after Michael’s call came through! What is the matter? My husband asked him. ‘I am ready to become a disciple’, he said. Was it why you called me five times in the night? Yes! He said. When do you want to be a disciple? Now! I am ready! 

That was how his studies commenced. Our regional leader, Wasiu Ajao of the New Ogba/Agege Region got together with him to count the Cost of Discipleship and found him ready indeed to become a disciple of Jesus Christ as he had made great strides to repent and accept Christ in his heart as Lord. And today, Tuesday 26 January 2021, Michael confessed JESUS as the LORD of his life as he got baptized.

Our prayers is that all the ‘Michaels’ we have reached out to be touched by God’s amazing love. Let’s not relent or be discouraged but be unwavering when people turn us down and continue to pray that God’s word and light reaches their innermost beings.

God bless us all

Kingsley and Eugenia Irobiegbulam

Akute Zone

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