The Incredible Conversion Story of a Wonderful Couple in Lagos

We praise God for persevering with us and rewarding our efforts with an early New Year’s baptism of Ifeanyi and Ijeoma Onyegbule this January 2021.

This fired-up couple recently moved into our neighborhood in the Ogba-Agege region in Lagos after rejecting several offers of a new home. They never thought that God was positioning them for the salvation of their souls (Acts 17:25-27).

We never knew them nor reached out to them, but we had reached out to as many of our neighbors as possible and studied the Bible with many as well. Especially during the first wave of the lockdown, occasioned by the pandemic when churches were on complete lockdown; we seized the opportunity to study with as many as possible and invited them to our region’s virtual church services in our home.

Unknown to us, while most didn’t become disciples, they evangelized on our behalf!  Ijeoma and Ifeanyi Onyegbule are products of such evangelism, as people in the neighborhood shared with them about us such that they were desirous of meeting us. So one cool Sunday evening they came looking for us. We welcomed them with open arms and shared God’s love with them and invited them over the next day where we opened the Bible with them and did the Discipleship study with them. It was a spectacular experience, because they believed and  bragged that they were Christians, but when they came face to face with Scriptures, they confessed they were not and decided that they would like to become Christians.

Thereafter they initiated to study some more and made changes in their lives as we proceeded. What was so infectiously obvious to everyone in the neighborhood was their transformation as they freely reached out to their relatives and friends, telling them about the Good News.

Wasiu Ajao, the Regional leader of the New Ogba/Agege Region couldn’t hold back his admiration of their personal convictions as he and his wife, Martina counted the Cost of Discipleship with them. And on Wednesday 6 January 2021, they both confessed Jesus as Lord and were baptized and added to God’s wonderful family!

We are hopeful and praying that God will keep them faithful and use them to reach out to as many of their friends and relatives as possible.

This wonderful couple’s conversion story has rekindled our faith in God to reward perseverance as we look forward to more baptisms in our Zone.

Kingsley & Eugenia Irobiegbulam,

Akute Zone of the New Ogba/Agege Region, Lagos.

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