Article: The Power of Vulnerability

Article: The Power of Vulnerability

Yesterday’s men’s forum organized by ICOC Lagos (Ikeja-Ketu region) went exceptionally well. The hall increasingly filled up as the four speakers succeeded each other. There was no dull moment as each lesson spoke to my personal needs.

One of the biggest take-away for me is the need for men to come out of the dark and be real men who can share from their heart about their life, the ups and the downs. Amazing how our conditioning by society hasn’t helped us as men to be vulnerable.

Having had the opportunity to conclude with a lesson on decision making after listening to the first three speakers, I saw the opportunity to not only share great principles on making the right choices when faced with a situation, but to be open with some of my struggles as a man.

One of the areas I am not proud of but grateful to have overcome involved compromise in the past in the area of my purity. This brought a lot of shame and affected my confidence and my effectiveness for God. Sharing openly with fellow men took some courage but how liberating. It has even freed up others who are currently in similar situations to start sharing as they look for help.

Going forward, I pray more men will join the “vulnerability club” and be restored to the greatness they have been called to. They will need a safe place to be real, get the much needed help and come out as a whole person, restored to personal integrity.

Can we help provide a safe place? Can you join this movement? Do you need to also come out of the dark?

*2 Cor. 6:11-13, 1 John 1:5-10, James 5:16, Proverbs 28:13*

Gilbert Kimeng

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