Monrovia Church Celebrates 20th Anniversary!!!

Monrovia Church Celebrates 20th Anniversary!!!

The church in Monrovia, Liberia last week celebrated their 20th Anniversary with pomp, and so much excitement. What would you expect from a people who had survived two civil wars that spanned a period of almost ten years and later plagued by a disease (Ebola) of epidemic proportion for three years,  yet survived all these, and as a church remained united and strong in the power of the Holy Spirit.   Truly, they deserved a rousing celebration.

Monrovia church leader, John Cawray (4th from right) welcomes the President of the Republic of Liberia, her Excellency, Mrs. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf (3rd from Right) to the church’s 20th Anniversary Celebration


The above was the background that toned the program and plans of the events which officially kicked off on December 1st 2017, with a Musical Concert and Honoring Program for those who have served and contributed immensely to the growth of the church. Among whom are, Paul Okolo, an Evangelist in the Abidjan Church of Christ, Cote d’Ivoire, and her Excellency, Mrs. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, President of the Republic of Liberia, who attends the Church from time to time and had contributed financially to their church building project.

A Musical Concert and Honoring Program was held for those who have served and contributed immensely to the growth of the church.


On Friday 8th December, during the Opening Ceremony which was marked by colorful traditional dances, the Lead Evangelist John Cawray commented in his opening speech; “In the last two months, we have prayed, fasted and put our resources together to make this anniversary a memorable one. Isaiah 60:1 says, “Arise, shine, for your lights has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.” The preceding week has been eventful and exciting. We learned from God’s word, served the poor, reached out to those who need Christ and continue to have a great time of fellowship. Twenty years is a mile stone in a life time journey, which is good enough to celebrate.




And celebrate they did! The grand finale Sunday Worship Service which held on 10th December, had over 700 in attendance. Special guests came from Churches representing countries in the West Africa sub-region namely; Godwin Onwughara, an Evangelist with his leadership team from Freetown, Sierra Leone; Gilbert and Perita Kimeng (Teaching Ministry), and Frank and Femi Okodugha (Serving Elder) from the Lagos Church in Nigeria.


To God be the glory!

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