Uyo: Great News from the Uyo Church!

Great News from the Uyo Church!


“And now why do you wait? Rise and be baptized and wash away your sins, calling on his name.”  – Acts 22:16

The wind of revival presently blowing in the Nigerian churches was recently experienced in Uyo as through the special grace of our God, 3 brothers got baptised and were added to the church in Uyo.

For George Jacob, his brother Eric Timothy Jacob and Moses Daniel Paul, it has been a story of courage and God’s special favor on their lives. George, who lives in Eket, was reached out to in Uyo by some disciples in Uyo. He was initially suspicious of the love showed to him but was won over by their sincere love and dedication to God’s works. He also survived a helicopter crash and was convinced that God kept him alive to testify to His special grace, goodness and mercy. Making the decision to be a disciple of Jesus was easy from then on as his brother Eric Timothy got baptised after his.


We are so grateful for this additions as well as ,by God’s special grace, we are also looking forward starting up a bible talk in Eket, to God’s glory.


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