West Africa Missions Leadership Conference 2024 – The Supremacy of Christ

The West Africa Missions Leadership Conference 2024 was held from the 8th to 11th of August 2024 at the Garden City of Port Harcourt, Rivers State in the southeastern region of Nigeria.

It was fellowship galore as disciples converged from all the English-speaking countries of West Africa. There were delegates from Ghana, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, and the five blocs that comprise the host country Nigeria, as well as guests from Kenya, Zambia, and the USA.

The conference began on day one with meetings of the West Africa Missions Board and Leadership Group followed by a larger meeting of council members where progress and financial reports from the different blocs were given and important decisions and board nominations were ratified.

This year saw the resignation of the erstwhile WAM regional chairpersons – Chris and Rolayo Ogbonnaya, after the expiration of their tenure and years of faithful service. Jide and Biola Ojo, Lead Evangelist and WML of the Lagos Church, were appointed as the new regional chairpersons.

After the day’s business, the host Port Harcourt church welcomed everyone with a colorful opening ceremony. From children’s choreography to teens rap and various cultural displays, guests were thrilled with the rich entertainment of the evening.

Day Two was devoted to leadership and life stage classes. These included practical classes for administrators, small and large church leaders, young married, older married, teenagers, campus students, and singles.

The conference was concluded with a soul-lifting worship service and a powerful sermon titled after this year’s theme “The Supremacy of Christ” and delivered by William Auki; Evangelist in the Nairobi Church of Christ.

The West Africa Missions is made up of 35 congregations in six countries. The Leadership Conference takes place every two years.

In 2026, God willing, it will be held in Freetown, Sierra Leone.

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