CHORD Global Connect Holds 4th Edition In Lagos, Nigeria

The 4th Edition of the Chord Global Connect Forum was held from the 4th to the 8th of August 2024 in the boisterous city of Lagos, Nigeria in West Africa.

Approximately 160 delegates from 24 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas were present. It was an inspiring intergenerational mix of students, young leaders, Teachers, trainers, Church leaders, and Elders.12 of our mission schools were represented by students and alumni.

The forum began with an International Sunday Worship Service followed by three days of fellowship, learning, and brainstorming focused on Ephesians 4 and tagged “Ephesians 4 Leadership”

The Chord Leadership Centre works alongside willing partner churches within the ICOC to support the development of holistic and spiritual leadership in churches. This is done through its initiatives which include establishing and supporting Schools of Mission, providing guidance and support for the development of Elderships and Teaching Ministries in churches, and providing resources for strengthening disciples.

However, the Global Connect Forum was not only about leadership and church building. Delegates went on a tour of the commercial city of Lagos and enjoyed a colorful gala evening with everyone showcasing their cultural dress and dance and to crown it all, Haniel and Ugo, two students of the West Africa School of Mission (NEOSOM) got engaged to be married!

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