FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions about the West and Central Africa Discipleship Summit 2016

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions about the West and Central Africa Discipleship Summit 2016


What is 2016 West and Central Africa Discipleship Summit?

The West and Central Africa Discipleship Summit, Accra 2016 is the first ever International Church of Christ Discipleship Summit to be held in the African Continent.


Who is Eligible to Attend the 2016 WCA Summit?

Every baptized disciple of Jesus Christ and member of the ICOC in the West and Central Africa region of the African continent. Disciples from 51 churches spread across 20 countries will be attending.


Where is the 2016 WCA Summit Holding?

The historic 2016 WCA Summit will be held in Accra, Ghana at the University of Ghana, Legon from the 5 – 7 August, 2016.


What is the Registration Cost for the 2016 WCA Summit?

The 2016 WCA Summit registration fee is N7500 or $30 for Adults and N5, 000 or $20 for Teenagers.


Does registration for the Summit also cover Accommodation and Feeding throughout the Summit?

Registration for the conference DOES NOT cover accommodation and feeding. The total cost for registration and accommodation for four nights per person is as follows:

Accommodation for 4 Nights Registration Total Amount     
1 person in a room.  N10, 000. N7, 500. N17,500
2 persons in a room. N6, 500. N7, 500. N14,000
4 persons in a room. N3, 000. N7, 500. N10,500


Do note that any participant who wishes to make personal arrangement for accommodation apart from the official University of Ghana Legon hostel accommodation is free to do so, and so will be required to make payment for registration fee ofN7500 or N5, 000 only. Cost of Hotels around the Summit Venue ranges between $120 -$300 US dollars per night, for those may want to stay in hotels.


What types of Accommodation are available during the duration of the Summit?

Accommodation type is University hostels. Participants would be accommodated in decent University hostels equipped with ceiling fans, bed and mattress but no beddings.


What is the feeding Arrangement?

A plate of food at the WCA Summit cost an average N400 per meal and every participant is expected to buy food from the approved food vendors for the Summit.

However, the Summit Organizing Committee will provide four meals (One dinner and Three breakfast meals) free of charge to every registered participant.


What does Registration covers?

Registration fees covers Conference materials (Note pads, Pens, Name tags) and logistics.



How do I make Transportation arrangements to the Summit?

Transportation is by Air (Aero, Arik, Medview etc) or Road Travel (ABC Transports, The Young Shall Grow Transports, Efex Transports etc) Participants are expected to make their transportation arrangement. Note also that participants must possess a valid International Passport to travel for the 2016 WCA Summit.


How do I pay for the WCA Summit?

Every intending participant is required to indicate their interest by registering immediately through their regional/church leaders.

Payment for Registration and accommodation which has since commenced should

be made into the following account details:


Account Name: International Church of Christ

Bank: Zenith Bank PLC

Account Number: 1014070036

Do note that this account is not attached to the Lagos church POS Machines.



Who can I contact for further clarifications regarding the Summit?


For further information or clarifications regarding WCA Discipleship Summit 2016, please contact the following:

Chris Ogbonnaya: +2348033012000– Chairman Summit planning Bureau

Sam Onuoha: +2348033440565-WCA Summit Secretariat Coordinator

Funmi Aileru: +23423676605

Lagos Church Office: +2348179847295

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