Spiritual Preparation for The Mountain of the Lord

Spiritual Preparation for The Mountain of the Lord

So Abraham called that place The LORD Will Provide. And to this day it is said, “On the mountain of the LORD it will be provided. -Genesis 22:14

Brothers and Sisters,

God is blessing Mike Taliaferro, his team and the 400 disciples of the Mission Point Church in San Antonio in their incredible job of organizing and planning the World Discipleship Summit. Shawn Wooten and the other leaders have a great plan for the Delegates Meeting. We have more interest and participation earlier than ever before in the history of our movement. New paradigms have been set and the bar is raised. The ATT Center already commented this is the best organized group of this size they had experienced.

I find myself wondering how to better prepare and to encourage people to prepare spiritually for this event. We are prepared for the event, but perhaps now is the time to get us prepared spiritually. Otherwise it will just be an event! Let’s continue to keep God at the center!

Here are three great places to start:

The Day of Prayer and Fasting is great timing for us to make this shift in focus from the details of travel, planning, etc. Please announce this Sunday and in your bulletins, etc! Please send us any studies and thoughts on how you focus on the Lord and prepare your heart. Also please spread the word about the Day of Prayer and Fasting. Send any articles to: content@DToday.net Or post an idea on the 2012 World Discipleship Summit Event Facebook page.

Everyone Can Participate in the World Discipleship Summit. With 17,000 in San Antonio, there are still 80,000 of our members at home who are there in spirit. They can also join us through the On Demand broadcast of the WDS Main sessions on DToday.tv Please plan now so that your church can participate with this great gathering. Let’s see how many churches can participate together around the world on this weekend. Click here to learn more.

Evangelism: we are encouraging disciples to share this event with family and friends via DToday.tv text, email, Facebook, Twitter and whatever other means they can. Let’s start using #2012WDS to set a trend on Twitter.

Please let us know any other way we can help make this our spiritual moment to remember on The Mountain of the Lord.

Love in the Lord,

Speed His Coming,

Roger Lamb
Disciples Today