West Africa School of Missions Studies Church History


  • By Dr. Steve Kinnard – New York, NY, USA
  • 23 Aug, 2018

Lagos, Nigeria—A City Of 20 Million

“As of 2000, the population of Lagos, Nigeria, was roughly 7.2 million, somewhere between those of greater Philadelphia and Chicago. By 2030 it will be 24 million, nearly as large as metropolitan New York and London — combined.”

—From “A World Of Boomtowns”

While in Africa, I’m teaching 28 lessons in 8 days. Twenty of these lessons are on church history. I’m teaching a class to students of the West Africa School of Missions. Twenty-five students attend this ministry training academy. Most of these young women and men have already graduated from university. Many left their home churches in West and Central Africa and left their jobs in various fields like education, law, and engineering to be trained for the full-time ministry…Read more

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