Greetings in Christ!

Trust we are all doing well and staying healthy as we approach the end of a very challenging 2020.

On behalf of the Leadership Group, we wish to most sincerely appreciate you all and thank you for honoring the call to help our brother, Uche Nwokolo, who is presently undergoing Investigations & Diagnosis treatments at the Cytecare Cancer Hospital in Bangalore, India.

The Nwokolo’s arrived Bangalore, India safe and Uche has since commenced Investigations & Diagnosis treatments at the Cytecare Cancer Hospital

Let’s keep praying that God works with the doctors so we get amazing results. There is no doubt at all in our minds that through our heart of love and sacrificial giving, he will overcome this battle to the glory of our God.

We are so encouraged to know that despite the challenging times brought about by the pandemic, we were able to raise the sum of N10,558,477 (Ten Million, Five Hundred and Fifty-Eight Thousand, Four Hundred and Seventy-Seven Naira) out of the Estimated Benevolence Appeal cost of N10,000,000 (Ten Million Naira), presented to us, thereby smashing our target!

We are very grateful to disciples from all our Nigeria churches and our families of churches across the world and also all those who contributed via the GoFundMe link, for their generous contributions to this appeal.

May the Almighty God continuously bless and reward you for all your labour of love and sacrifices on behalf of all of us.

We are equally very confident that when the opportunity offers itself for us to call on you again in the near future, you will be available and willing to do it again.

Thank you all and God bless

FROM: The ICOC Lagos Leadership Group

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