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In the end, close to 2,000 from over 20 countries attended the 2016 West and Central Africa Discipleship Summit in Accra, Ghana. The theme of the summit was One Body, One Spirit, One Hope and it was indeed an amazing experience highlighting the fact that language and cultures are no barriers in God’s Kingdom.
It was a truly International worship service on Sunday 7th August at the International Conference Center in Accra, Ghana to close down a wonderfully organised first summit in sub-Saharan Africa.
The Communion Talk was led by our wonderful brother, Moses Kalala who leads the churches in Central Africa. He called everyone to the Cross of Jesus from Ephesians 2:14-16 to consider the extent to which Jesus went in order to break down all barriers and make his disciples one. He encouraged us to continue to forgive whatever grievances we have against one another so that Christ sacrifice will not be in vain. Just as the five fingers of our hands can do nothing each on their own, but can list and do the incredible when they come together, so we must not forget that it is when we are unified that we forge strength.
The contribution talk was led by Mark Ottenweller from the United States. He spoke from Mark 9:35-39 and pointed us to Jesus who not only saw the harassed and helpless but did something to actual help. He also shared some heart warming news of the work at HOPE Worldwide all across West Africa.
The Summit rounded up with an exhilarating and uplifting message themed, ‘Christ in You…The Hope of Glory’ by Mike Taliaferro. Mike encouraged the congregation by sharing how God wishes to work on our characters so we can all be presented as perfect in Christ and that our journey to Heaven is the trip of character shaping as we stroll down the path He has prepared for each of us. The joy of knowing that God has brought us out of darkness and into His Light where he is in the process of transforming us for his ultimate glory. Because He wants us clean and pure, He will do everything to prune us and bring out the Christ in us.
Sharing from Proverbs 6:6, Mike said that God expects His disciples to be diligent in all that we do and that hard work is one of the characters God expects from us. God expects us to be diligent in studying and applying the bible to our everyday life and also to be diligent in our devotion and relationship with Him. The value of diligence is that it teaches about the No-Quit Zone. We must not quit being disciples in a wicked world, we must not quit reading our bibles, praying and getting discipled by a more matured disciple of Jesus. Mike also challenged us never to give up on God’s love to prune us.
The One Body Summit was a special time to connect and reconnect and recharge our spiritual batteries as we continue to grow in our faith. The gathering of disciples from West and Central Africa in Accra, Ghana was a great and true manifest of the calling we have in Christ as we continue to forge One Body, One Spirit, One Hope which binds us together in God’s wonderful love.
We leave you with lovely images from the Summit and a beautiful quote from a sister in Lagos below….
What a great and mighty God we serve!
I had doubts about attending this year’s West African Discipleship Summit. First off, I gave a serious consideration for the expenses and then I thought about the expectations. But now I’m wondering, why people often place fear before every action taken?
I realized the moment I hit the road that my fears weren’t even needed at all. Every shilling, penny, Kobo and dime spent was worth it! I wouldn’t trade the worship, the new friendships, the excitement, the fun, the classes, the rigorous rehearsals with Emmanuel Ojo, the sightseeing, the miracle that took place during prayers, the radical dances, my pictures, my brothers from neighboring countries and the fresh relationship’s for anything! Bottom line is, I wouldn’t have missed this for anything in the world! Never!!! But then again, I am most grateful to God that I could make it.
It was mind blowing!
Invigorating and Energizing!
It was spirit filling and soul lifting!
It was a miracle filled event!
It was a moment of experiencing God in another dimension!
I saw God manifesting his supremacy and authority during the grant Finale!
He strengthened our faith!
~Highlights from some of my classes~
*A reminder of why we were called as disciples…. To reproduce ourselves
*The importance of keeping in touch with our reproduced disciples….. You don’t leave them alone else they go back to where they’re coming from. If you plant a seed, you have constantly water and nurture it in order for it to grow… The same applies to our new converts
*As a single, your waiting time is a blessing in disguise……its an opportunity to devote your totality to God before Mr/Mrs right comes to divide your attention!
*Being single does not mean God has forsaken you!
* When you’re busy working in God’s vineyard as a faithful Christian single, God himself will be busy working for and straitening out your life in your favour!
*when you take a trip to another state/country, make sure you visit the slums of the place… You’ll learn more about gratitude .
*Make every effort to spare some of your wealth and belongings (no matter how little) with the poor around you…..its refreshing!
*Worship goes beyond singing….. Try a sincere worship and find out for yourself!
I had misplaced my writing pad in Accra and these where some of the points I could get from my brain. I hope it blesses you somehow. If you want to know more about the classes, please feel free to ask me, I have all in a flash drive. God bless you! – Chetaglo Uwalakah, Lagos