Overcoming the Darkness – Opeyemi ‘s story

My name is Opeyemi Adewale Kikelomo. I am visually impaired, having lost my sight 10 years ago. I was a science student in SS2 (8th grade) in a secondary school in Nigeria, when one day, without warning, I lost my sight. I had come home from school that fateful day and was watching cartoons on TV, when everything suddenly went blurry. A few moments later, everything went dark.My mother took me to numerous eye doctors, but none of them were able to find a solution. It was a bleak and scary time. After this went on for a while, my mother was advised to enroll me in a rehabilitation school in Lagos.

It was in this school that I learned Braille, computing, typing, mobility and other skills. A few churches used to come into the school to conduct fellowships. Disciples from ICOC Lagos came in regularly to study the Bible with us students. I confess that I never liked these studies because I felt uncomfortable having to respond to the questions I was asked. As a result, I developed a strategy of leaving the hostel before they arrived, and hiding away at my instructor’s house until they left. This was my practice until one Friday when the disciples came in earlier than their usual time, and I could not avoid the study.

That day, they did “The Cross” study. As the study progressed, I began to weep. I was deeply convicted by my nonchalant attitude towards the grace of Jesus as I began realizing all He had done for me. That day was the turning point for me. I finished my studies and was baptized on the 27th of November 2011.

Since then, my life as a disciple has been nothing short of amazing. I love being on the worship team; I love going on dates and I’ve been privileged to lead Bible Talks and disciple other women in spite of my disability. I’ve since graduated from the University and God blessed me with an amazing job. Meanwhile I’m working on getting my Master’s degree. So many disciples have inspired me on my journey of faith and I am eternally grateful to all of them –especially the disciples who reached out to me. Even as I keep praying that my physical sight will one day be restored, I am eternally grateful to God and to the disciples who helped me to come out of the darkness of sin. I am grateful that today I stand in the glorious light of my salvation in Jesus Christ.

Opeyemi ‘s story of overcoming the odds, caught the attention of a major telecommunications company in Nigeria.They went ahead to granted her a scholarship with which she was assisted to get through University.  They also made this accompanying video of Opeyemi’s Story. We thank the MTN foundation who have graciously granted us permission to use it.

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