Article: Impact of Great Spiritual Books – Part 3

Article: Impact of Great Spiritual Books – Part 3 It has been amazing to learn from others who have shared some of the great spiritual books that have helped shape their […]

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Articles: Impact of Great Spiritual Books – Part 2

I have right in front of me another dozen books that have left an indelible imprint on my soul and my spiritual pilgrimage. “The Complete Works of E.M. Bounds on Prayer” […]

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Announcement: The 2018 ICOC Lagos Teens Got Talent (TGT)

The ICOC LAGOS Teens Ministry is proud to present the much awaited 2018 TEENS GOT TALENT (TGT) There will be SOLO performances And GROUP Performances in the following categories: 1. […]

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Article: Impact of Great Spiritual Books- Part One

Article: Impact of Great Spiritual Books- Part One I concluded yesterday’s lesson on “Thinking Spiritually” by talking about practical ways of cultivating this critical discipline. One of the nine ways […]

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Article: Dealing With ‘Legitimate’ Anger

Article: Dealing With ‘Legitimate’ Anger It is becoming more evident to me that I grew up in a pretty angry society. My entire generation felt cheated and deprived of its […]

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Article: Tuning in – Adjusting to God’s Will

Article: Tuning in – Adjusting to God’s Will Whenever I get to translate or interpret into another language (like I did last week in Ikogosi), it is often an exercise […]

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Singles: ICOC West Africa Singles Conference 2018

ICOC West Africa Singles Conference 2018 This year singles from all over Anglophone and Francophone West Africa will converge in Accra, Ghana November 23 – 25 for the biggest event […]

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Forward by Faith – 2018 ICOC Delegates Conference Update

Forward by Faith – 2018 ICOC Delegates Conference Update By ICOC 2.1 Structure Transition Team • 19 Oct, 2018 Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith – Hebrews 12:2 […]

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Article: A Call to Prayer

  A few days ago I listened to an audio message in French of a supposed “coup d’état” that took place in the early hours of the morning in Cameroon. […]

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Article: Finding One’s Voice – That Sweet Spot

Article: Finding One’s Voice – That Sweet Spot It is believed that each one of us was brought into this world with a specific mission to accomplish. Living a fulfilled […]

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