Article: In His Time

Article: In His Time It feels like God waits for us to first find full satisfaction in Him alone before opening the floodgates for us. On the backdrop of the […]

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Article: The East-West Africa Connection

Article: The East-West Africa Connection When we visited East Africa early in June this year, we had no idea that God was going to transform that first visit into something […]

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Article: Feedback Vs Feed-Back

Article: Feedback Vs Feed-Back In September 2015, my wife and I attended and spoke at a singles conference of disciples from our churches in Ghana in the southern town of […]

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Article” Lost in His Sufficiency

Article” Lost in His Sufficiency If I had to summarise the feeling or state of mind the Accra International Singles Retreat left participants with, I would say we are returning […]

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Article: The Joseph Analogy

Article: The Joseph Analogy One of yesterday’s classes at the singles conference focused on learning from the story of Joseph. The original speaker couldn’t make it to the retreat because […]

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Article: The Impact of Retreat/Conferences

Article: The Impact of Retreat/Conferences Day one of the West (and East) African conference was memorable. The venue of the retreat is truly a place to retire to from the […]

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Article: Having a Personal Cause!

Article: Having a Personal Cause! We arrived Ghana safely yesterday, and it has been amazing to see disciples pouring in from different countries in West Africa and even all the […]

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Article: The Power of Writing (Part 3) – A Love Affair 

Article: The Power of Writing (Part 3) – A Love Affair  In a few hours, my wife and I will be leaving for Accra, Ghana to take part and speak […]

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Article: The Power of Writing – Part 2

Article: The Power of Writing – Part 2 I always have a notebook with me especially when I travel. While waiting at the airport, I often seize the opportunity to […]

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Article: The Power of Writing

Article: The Power of Writing My wife has nicknamed me “Mr Write”. I have formed the habit of taking notes for almost anything. From my school days till date, when […]

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