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2013 ICOC Youth Corps – Final Days
Day 4
Energies bumped up today. Everyone was dressed and ready for community service. Helping the poor, the needy and serving the people around us in Sango, Ogun State.
The preteens filed into coastal buses and headed to an orphanage were they gave gifts to the kids and even gave away some of their personal belongings. While the teens walked to a nearby primary health center, where they cleaned and gave gifts to nursing mothers; it was a colorful procession down the road and the corpers found great joy doing what they did.
The day was fun all through. After the preteens joined the rest of us, they came on stage and shared their experiences from their excursion and soon after there were performances from the teens; step dance, choreography and miming.
The highlight of day 5 was the vivacious prom night. Well eventually everyone was paired with a pleasant surprise.
The teens and preteens took charge of their night in a respectable and admirable manner. We had two pre-teen presenters, four (4) teen fashion police and three (3) teen MCs. It was a colorful and lively evening.
The day began with intense classes on dating and sex to mentally prepare the teenagers for the evening and ultimately their lives hereafter. The two facilitators who anchored did a fantastic job carrying the teens along. There were lots of questions and contributions. The teens went on and on giving us a peek into their consciousness.
Later that afternoon was a drama competition of which the winning houses were Grey, Green & Blue! Grey house had impeccable costumes, Green house had best creativity and Blue house had the best content.
Day 6
There was no morning drill today. The final bit of our daily devotional was discussed with our kids. Thereafter was submission of mattresses and buckets etc. Breakfast was yam and stew. Bolaji Adefolu did a few interviews with the officials and a handful of teens. Bags were packed and heaped outside the hall.
The atmosphere doesn’t exactly say we are about leaving camp yet. We will tell if there would be sad goodbyes in the end.
Meanwhile there is a final class on IT anchored by Tunji Ereola and the campers share their experience with the Internet. Afterwards a survey form was distributed to everyone to determine what activity was most enjoyed, the most savory meal, and general recommendations.
After IT class, certificates and awards were given to all campers according to different categories; graduating class, most sociable, most behaved, most savvy, best camper, best counselors, all volunteers etc. and medals where given to the athletes.
In overall, the third position was Blue House, second position went to Yellow House and the overall first position went to Red House, the hall was in pandemonium.
ICOC Youth Camp 2013 was nothing short of success and thrilling. I never expected to be this sober on the last day. It feels like camp should go on for a little longer. It was been bliss.