Worship Directions – Singing Inward!

by Jerry Maday – Worcester, Massachusetts  –  Friday, 22 February 2013

Praise the LORD, O my soul.” Psalm 104:1

“All my inmost being – praise his holy name!” Psalm 103:2

“March on, my soul; be strong!” Judges 5:21

Did you ever hear a song leader encourage the church before a specific song “The lyrics of this song are a prayer – It’s a great song for us to speak directly to God!”? “O Lord prepare me, to be a sanctuary..”

Or maybe – “Look someone in the eye as we sing with this song! Let’s encourage one another”? “Rise up O Men of God!”

These are examples of worship lyrics that are primarily “Vertical” or “Horizontal” in nature. With one the communication is directed to God. In the latter, it is directed towards one another.

Some lyrics are intended to be both – and one could reason that all singing worship is directed to God – which is true. And yet pointing our hearts and minds in the direction lyrics lead us, will enrich our worship experience! And since most of our lyrics are based on scripture, few students of Christ would have a problem with letting the lyrics guide our communication in the right direction. Read the full article on disciplestoday.org