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Women: Warri Women Celebrate Women’s Day
The women of ICOC Warri in Delta state of Nigeria had their Women’s Day celebration on the 22nd of November 2014, with the theme: ‘’WOMAN OF VIRTUE’’ and it was an event that uplifted the hearts of the women and made them feel confident once again on how wonderful God has made them be.
The event started with opening prayer by Mary Osemeke and Mary Orimafo, a wonderful praise and worship rendered by the sisters in the song ministry and a welcome speech given by the leader of the women’s ministry, Margaret Obaje. The MC of the day was Mariam Ajaneson.
The first class of the day was titled ‘’Financial Empowerment’ and was taught by Cynthia Osaighale and she focused on how to manage our little income and save up for the future and how to start up businesses with the little income we have.
The second class was taken by Gloria Osung and it was titled ‘’Decency in presentation’’ with the focus on presenting ourselves, husbands, children, home etc in ways that will glorify God and draw people closer to him.
We had various women do recitation of some of the women in the Bible such as Ruth, Abigail, Debora and the virtuous woman in Proverb 31. A poem titled ‘OH WOMAN” was done by Rukevwe Urohbo.
A medical practitioner Dr. Elohor Unuarhe was invited as a quest speaker and she spoke on different health issues that concerns to women and the need for us to pay attention and take care of them. She also had a question and answer section which provided direction for some of the women.
The theme message of the day was given by Margaret Obaje. It was based on the book of Ruth, helping women to understand that God is ready to work with us irrespective of our situation only if we can trust him. The program came to an end with a short video clip to inspire the women to see themselves just as God sees them irrespective of who they are or their circumstances.