Special Announcement from the Church Leadership

Special Announcement from the Church Leadership

‘’If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person? 18 Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth’’. – 1 John 3:17-18

This is an URGENT plea from the Church Leadership of the ICOC, Nigeria.
Brothers and sisters, we implore and urgently request your prayers, assistance and support for our brother and sister who are currently undergoing some serious medical conditions and would NEED to be flown to India for major surgeries:

1. Olise Fredrick Ngboro – Asaba Church. This is a critical case of a hole in the heart. The surgery will be done in India and he requires N3,000,000 (Three Million Naira)

2. Henrietta Emeh – Campus Ministry. She requires two major surgeries for hysterectomy and artificial disc replacement for her spine which costs N2,800,000 (Two Million Eight Hundred Thousand Naira)

We solicit that our Collections for the Poor on Sunday March 2nd, 2014 be used to meet these special medical bills totaling N5,800,000 (Five Million Eight Hundred Thousand Naira).

We therefore plead and encourage every disciple to give generously and sacrificially, so that we can collectively help our brother and sister overcome these medical challenges.

We pray the good Lord bless our hearts of giving.