Let us, therefore, make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification. Romans 14:19 NIV

In the spirit of our brotherhood, the South East Bloc of the Nigerian churches comprising of Port Harcourt, Uyo, Calabar, Owerri, Yenagoa, and Aba seed fellowship embarked on 4 days of strengthening the Owerri church from the 25th to 28th of February.

This came as a result of the yearly church strengthening structure for the bloc as agreed upon at the bloc staff retreat in January of 2021.

All the serving full time church leaders arrived on the first day (25th) and joined the church for their first physical midweek service since the lockdown last year. It was a very encouraging service as the leaders of the Yenagoa church,

Gbenga Atolagbe and his wife Gina had a split class on the topic “Why God Chose You.” The midweek ended with great responses reflective of clear understanding as to why God truly chose every single one of us and the purpose we serve.

Day 2 and 3 (Friday 26th & Saturday 27th) were set apart for visits to the home of disciples in Owerri to strengthen and pray with them.

On the strengthening visits, disciples had to share their concerns, weaknesses and areas where they needed encouragement and through the power of the Holy Spirit all the concerns were addressed and disciples were strengthened in their spirit. Disciples got reconciled and relationships were renewed, convictions were strengthened and love was deepened to the glory of God.

The final day was awesome as the Sunday worship service recorded encouraging attendance. The sermon by Gbenga Atolagbe on “Character Change” turned the entire church atmosphere around as disciples were left with nothing but to grow and mature in their faith and character.

There were split classes that served to meet basic needs and strengthen the disciples as Gina Atolagbe (Yenagoa) and Cynthia Ajayi (Calabar) had a split class with all the sisters, while Nathaniel Afamoh (Uyo) had a split class with the older Christians (brothers) on “Young Christians Need You To Show Them The Way” and Oladipo Ajayi (Calabar) had a time with the young Christian brothers titled “Growing Daily And Becoming Mature”.

We give all glory to God for the success of the church strengthening in Owerri and we are looking forward to continue to strengthen all our churches in the South East bloc. Amen!

Oladipo Ajayi
ICOC Calabar

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