My Ride With Cancer – Nitchie Oguagha tells his story


REFINED: My Ride With Cancer_Nichie Oguagha tells his story

Dale Carnegie once said, “When fate hands you a lemon, make lemonade”.

The above statement couldn’t be truer when you consider recent events in the life of our dear brother, Onyechi Oguagha.

By now, all of us in ICOC Nigeria family of churches probably know of our dear brother Nichie Oguagha’s battle with Cancer. What you might not know is that he has just written an autobiography published by Illumination Publishers International. The book is titled, “Refined: My Ride with Cancer”. This is his story.

For young Christians reading this, Onyechi Oguagha or “Nichie” as he is fondly called, led the Lagos Church and oversaw the West Africa Mission (Anglophone) from 1993 to 1999.

God is once more using our dear brother to show us all how a potential stumbling block can indeed become a stepping stone. May we all draw incredible strength and courage from the life of this man of faith…We’ll need it when we too are confronted by our own challenging moments.

Nichie currently leads the Brooklyn Region of the New York City Church of Christ and was missionary to Kenya, Zimbabwe and South Africa.

His book is on sale here http://www.ipibooks.com/IPIStore/Details/tabid/89/rvdsfpid/refined-my-ride-with-cancer-531/rvdsfcatid/books-14/Default.aspx#.UQbryaVk6S0


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