Ganta Church
City Size: 75,000
Date Planted: 2017
Ganta Christian Church
Alfred and Comfort Beah
Contact: +231888653708
Brief History: The Ganta Christian Church came about when one of our brothers in person of Samuel Wuo, Sr. has a job opportunity as lecturer at the Nimba County Community College in Sanniquellie, the capital city of the said county. Being a disciple of Jesus Christ with a high desire to worship God like the Ethiopian eunuch no matter the distance, he decided to leave from Sanniquellie, Nimba County to travel to Gbarnga city, Bong County which is about 1 h 30 mins drive where we currently have one branch of our church. Due to openness he (Samuel Wuo, Sr.) decided to share his thoughts with the leader in Gbarnga, Jesse Kollie, who challenged him to start a bible discussion in Ganta, known as the commercial city of Nimba county with a population of more than 75,000 inhabitants. This exercise started in October, and based on the good response of people towards God’s word the church prayed and chose from the Gbarnga Christian Church, bro. Joe Dennis and his wife Kleema Dennis. They were therefore sent to Ganta on April 13, 2017 as leaders of the upcoming Ganta Christian Church. A team of two brothers and two sisters were sent to Ganta beginning of July 2017 to help Joe and his wife prepare the launching Service and do following up on studies. The launching Service was successfully held on Sunday, July 23, 2017 with an attendance of 140 persons and 70 children. The City Mayor of Ganta attended the launching service