
Surulere Region (Lagos)

Sunday Service: 16/18 Akanbi Onitiri Close, Off Eric Moore Road, Surulere Lagos

Time: 9am

Midweek Ijesha Wednesday 6:30pm
Venue 6 Shofolahan street,by Johnson bus stop,along Ijesha road

Midweek Thursday 6:30pm
Venue 16/18 Akanbi Onitiri close off, Eric moore

(There are currently 2 Midweek Services in Surulere Region)


Name of the church: ICOC SURULERE

Date planted : 1989

Current membership :153

Church Address: 16/17 Akanbi Onitiri close off Eric Moore, Surulere.



Names of leaders:  Oji & Mercy Ogbonnaya

Email: ojimercy11@gmail.com

Phone: +234 803 669 6529

Name of church Administrator: Victor Chinokwe

Email: victor.azukachinukwue@gmail.com