The 2011 Great Walk

Almost 6,000 volunteers graced the 2011 Great Walk as ICOC Nigeria continue to draw attention to the plight of the underprivileged in the country. The annual charity event organized by […]

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New Kingdom Kids website on Disciples Today

by Roger Lamb – Wednesday, 23 November 2011  Disciples Today is pleased to announce the addition of Kingdom Kids to our site. “Whoever welcomes one of these little children […]

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Building Parent & Teen Communication

Culled from icochotnews Church leaders and youth & family leaders, one of the most important things we can do for our families is to help them with their communication at […]

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Building Youth & Family Ministry – ARTICLE

Culled from icochotnews Beginning a new youth and family ministry is an exhilarating experience. Vision fills your heart as you anticipate what God will do. Important questions arise, “How do […]

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Bible Talks you can Download

If you are looking for Bible Discussion outlines to use on any occasion go to www.icochotresources.com and pick up our latest set of 10 Bible Talks.

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Important Information on San Antonio 2012 Discipleship Summit

Culled from icochotnews Already 3335 people have registered for the big summit next year in San Antonio. For instance, 511 have registered from the Los Angeles church alone. Jakarta, Indonesia, […]

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2011 Singles Bible Talk Leaders Workshop Holds in Lagos

This is an open invitation to all singles who lead Bible Discussions across the church. The 2011 Singles Bible Talk Leaders Workshop comes up this Saturday 19th November 2011 at […]

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Download the 2010 ICOC Nigeria final account external audit.  ICOC 2010 FINAL ACCOUNT EXTERNAL AUDIT

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Nigerian Churches Hold 2011 Annual General Conference

It was another exciting time on Saturday 5th November, 2011 as delegates representing the different blocs across the Nation converged on the property of the Lagos Church in Surulere for […]

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YOUTH & FAMILY MINISTRY IS CHANGING FAST. Check out the great news and new approaches…

Culled from icochotnews.com Perhaps no ministry in the ICOC has changed over the last decade as much as our Youth & Family ministry…

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