MEN’S FORUM HOLDS IN GARDEN CITY as Port Harcourt Church Hosts Men of Honour

MEN’S FORUM HOLDS IN GARDEN CITY as Port Harcourt Church Hosts Men of Honour Saturday 17th June, 2017 was the day and venue was the worship hall of the Port […]

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ICOC Nigeria Annual General Conference Held in Lagos

ICOC Nigeria Annual General Conference Held in Lagos Saturday 24 June 2017 was another exciting time for the International Church of Christ, Nigeria as the churches all over Nigeria came together […]

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Lagos Church Appoints Frank Okodugha as Elder

Lagos Church Appoints Frank Okodugha as Elder So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors [shepherds] and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, […]

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Three ICOC Nigeria Churches Get Four Full-Time Leaders

Three ICOC Nigeria Churches Get Four Full-Time Leaders On Sunday, September 4, the Lagos Church of Christ sent out four interns from the campus ministry to go lead churches in various parts […]

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ICOC West Africa School of Mission Launched in Lagos

ICOC West Africa School of Mission Launched in Lagos History was made in the ICOC West African region as the much awaited ICOC West Africa School of Mission was launched in Lagos, […]

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ICOC Abuja Plunge Souls into Streams

ICOC Abuja Plunge Souls into Streams When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like men who dreamed. Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs […]

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Optimal Mental Health Workshop in Lagos

Optimal Mental Health Workshop in Lagos The Lagos church was richly blessed in November by the presence of Steve and Teryl Brand, professional biblical counselors from the North River Church […]

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Nine People Baptized in One Day in Lagos!

Nine People Baptized in One Day in Lagos! “In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who […]

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Campus – 2017 International Campus Leadership Conference – #Connect

Campus – 2017 International Campus Leadership Conference – #Connect The ICOC Nigeria Campus Ministry proudly presents the ninth edition of the annual International Campus Leadership Conference (ICLC). Theme: #CONNECT. The […]

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Singles: The 2017 National Singles Retreat – Reach in Honour

Singles: The 2017 National Singles Retreat – Reach in Honour The 2017 National Singles Retreat is scheduled to take place in Port Harcourt from the 16th-19th November 2017.  The Theme for this […]

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