Download: The ICOCN Financial Statement for 2019

You can now download the International Church Of Christ Nigeria Audited Financial Statement for the Year Ended December 31, 2019.  

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John Omolaja Airohi: An Engineer Who Found a Pearl of Great Value!

The Jailer, was confronted with the truth, he accepted it and called all his family members to do same (Acts 16:25-40). Lydia, a native of Thyatira listened to Paul’s message […]

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OUR ALL-AFRICA VIRTUAL WORSHIP SERVICE Theme: “ GREATER THINGS” You are specially invited for an inspiring time of worship, praise and fellowship. Over 15,000 disciples joining from our African Churches […]

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ICOC Benin Young Christian Ministry

An Interactive Session with the Church Leadership Group In the future, when your so asks you, “What is the meaning of the stipulations, decrees and laws the LORD our God […]

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Matthew 25:40 – “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ […]

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DREAM – International Singles Virtual Conference

Nicole Padilla – Los Angeles, CA, USA • Jun 18, 2020 The International Singles’ Service Team, in collaboration with singles ministries around the world, is excited to host the very […]

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Video: Anchor for the Soul – Harmonious Voices

So some of the children in the Harmonious Voices in the Ikeja-ketu Region in Lagos have been eagerly longing to produce their own virtual choir video as well🙂. A few […]

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2020 ICOC Communication Survey

Welcome God has grown the International Churches of Christ to 711 churches in 150 countries over the last 40 years! Please help us understand what’s happening in our global fellowship, […]

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Celebration of the International Day of Women – Lagos Nigeria

Lagos Nigeria: Inspired by the Biblical account of the conquest of Jericho by the Israelites as recorded in Joshua 6, about 100 women of the Ogba/Agegeregion of the Lagos church embarked […]

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IN HIS IMAGE (Women’s Devotional)

The 2020 International Day of Women was celebrated globally under the theme Generation Equality # Equal for Equal As an international fellowship in the ICOC, we chose the theme #In His Image. […]

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