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Article: No More Holding Back!
Watching the events which unfolded in some U.S cities in the past few days has been quite intriguing and instructive for me. Thankfully, the suspect behind the mailed bomb packages has finally been identified and arrested. I was struck by a comment made by a high ranking government official, during a press conference a day before the arrest.
In his plea to the general public to be watchful, he also urged them *not to hold back* any information that could either help identify the suspect or prevent new attacks on individuals or corporations. He encouraged the civil society to eagerly share with his team without bothering about the relevance of the information; his team of experts would take care of that. JUST SHARE!!!
It then dawned on me that as disciples, we are all endowed with lots of insights gleaned from God’s Word, from spiritual mentors and from life experiences. Holding back from sharing such knowledge or wisdom maybe spiritually fatal for someone else or even for ourselves.
This brings vivid memories of a decision I made in 2013 during my first Bible Study Tour to the ancient Asia Minor – modern day Greece and Turkey. Before that trip, I could be described as someone who was holding back from serving with all I had received. I had gone from serving in the _full time_ ministry to resuming a full time job in the corporate world after undergoing a degree course. I watched the _full time_ ministers and others from a distance while serving in _my small corner_ – be it in the teens or singles ministries.
On our way to Colosse, Laodicea, and Hierapolis, we were taught lessons on the ministry of the great apostle Paul. He worked as a team leader and team player with partners like Barnabas, Epaphras (who planted the Colossian church), Timothy (who led the Ephesian Church),Titus (overseer of the churches in Crete, Apollos ( the teacher), Priscilla and Aquila (his fellow tent-makers), Epaphroditus, Aristarchus, Secundus, Gaius, Tychicus, Sopater, Trophimus, Euodia and Syntyche, John Mark, the Phillipian and Macedonian church, etc.
I got my epiphany right there. The kingdom will also be built in our generation through an exceptional team effort, and everybody’s contribution is vital. Contributions at Bible Talks, Family Groups, Sectors, Regions, church-wide level, sharing our faith, confessing sin, repenting, learning from others, finding and using our gifts for God, sharpening each other, raising leaders …
Right there and then, I made a heartfelt decision to return to Lagos and pull out all the stops not only in supporting the work on the continent but in giving my very best of contributions. The rest is history.
One of the primary motivations behind the idea of sharing my journals comes from here. I want to share everything I have learned through the years. My hope is that in the midst of everything I get to share, something helps someone, somehow, somewhere, just like I am a beneficiary of what others have been sharing through their lives, books, messages, etc.
What are you holding back? Don’t you think it is crunch time? Time to pull out all the stops, for the sake of so many souls and for God’s glory!
*Acts 18:9-10; Proverbs 11:30*; *2 Kings 7:3-11*
Gilbert Kimeng